We make NO donations of money or products. Our prices won't allow for that expense. Since thousands of agencies, professionals & individuals would benefit from the use of our products, the demand would be impossible for our small company to accomodate without major price increases. We feel that the best, fairest, most helpful contribution we can make is to keep our prices as low as we can for everyone.
One exception
To promote maximum use and exposure of our instruments, we will refurbish a used instrument that is donated to an agency, Lost Cord Club, Parkinson’s support group, etc., for in-house use - one refurbishment per instrument. This service includes cleaning, minor repairs and adjustments, providing replaceable batteries and supplies, shipping to the designated agency. It does NOT include replacement of rechargeable batteries or other major parts or extensive repairs.
Our policy of NO MAJOR FREE SAMPLES OR DONATIONS helps us keep our prices as low as possible for everyone. See our 30-day Return Policies.
Tom, Dorothy and the staff of Luminaud inc. Thank you.