We cannot bill insurance companies - there are just too many, all with different forms and rules.
Check with the insurance company involved. If a policy covers prosthetic devices - an artificial leg, for example - it should reimburse for an electronic larynx!! If not, find out their reasons and APPEAL!! More...
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Covers electronic larynges as prosthetic devices. However, we are no longer a Medicare Provider, but we will give as much assistance as we can in helping people find a vendor who will handle Medicare for artificial larynges. More...
If you are on Medicare, please print out the Medicare Waiver Form and include it with your first order. You will need to do this only for your first order.
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We cannot work with Medicaid programs, as they vary considerably from state to state. More...
We offer a small discount to any medical equipment dealer who buys an electronic larynx to resell through the Medicaid program.
Tom, Dorothy and the staff of Luminaud inc. Thank you.