Purchasing Information for Health Care Professionals
Authorized staff members may order by mail, phone, fax or email with a Purchase Order Number.
or pay by Credit Card when you order.
- Give us your customer number if you have ordered from us before.
( The 3- letter, 3-digit number is found just under the words "BILLED TO:" on our invoices and packing slips.)
- Order by catalog number, description, color and size, if a choice.
- If another agency is to pay for your order, we need their confirmation - purchase order number or letterhead order.
- Include a phone or fax # in case we have questions.
We cannot bill instruments to individuals. A Speech Pathologist helping a patient order must include a check or credit card number.
See Purchasing Information for Individuals for details on individual orders, Medicare, sources of financial help, etc.
Tom, Dorothy and the staff of Luminaud inc. Thank you.