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We regret that we cannot bill or send claims to Private Insurance companies

Because there are hundreds of different insurance companies nationwide, each having their own different rules and requirements. It would impossible for a small specialized national company like ours to keep up with all of them and their required paperwork and procedures..   Local medical supply stores and durable medical equipment dealers in your own area are able to the insurance billing because they only deal with the few plans available in your area.

However, there are still possibilities for insurance coverage:

  • When we send an order to an individual customer, the package will include the original and 2 copies of the “paid” invoice. If the products ordered are covered by insurance, the patient very likely will be able to obtain reimbursement by completing one of the insurance company’s claim forms and sending it to them along with one of the invoice copies and a prescription or “statement of need” from the physician or an appropriate medical professional. Contact your insurance company for exact requirements.
  • Any local medical equipment company that is a recognized or preferred provider for an insurance company may purchase products from us at a small discount, then resell to the patient and bill the insurance company. The insurance company should have a list of preferred providers in the local area to help locate a nearby equipment provider.  Contact local medical equipment suppliers or pharmacys in your area and see if they are willing to order the products from us.   Click Here to see our page on "Purchasing from DME Dealer" for more information.
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Contact Us

Luminaud, Inc.
8688 Tyler Blvd.
Mentor, Ohio 44060



440-255-2250 - fax



Monday - Friday
9:00am - 4:30pm
Eastern Time

Visits by appointment Only

Closed Dates - 2025

Jan 1                  New Years Day
Jan 20                MLK Day
Feb 17               Presidents Day
May 26               Memorial Day

Jun 19                Juneteenth
Jul 4                   Independence Day

Sep 1                 Labor Day
Oct  13                Columbus Day
Nov 11               Veterans Day
Nov 26 - 28       Thanksgiving
Dec 24 - 26       Christmas


Tom, Dorothy and the staff of Luminaud inc. Thank you.