Fits most brands of ElectroLarynx
63017 $ 18.00 Oral Adapter - Soft, black
See choice of tubes available below
Best for the Servox Digital and Servox Inton
63023 $ 18.00 Oral Adapter - Soft, grey
See choice of tubes available below
Fits the Servox Digital & Servox Inton
63008 $ 18.00 Oral Adaper - Hard, blue
( Requires a different size tube from the other oral adapters )
63010 $ 10.00 4" Soft Tubes, pkg of 10
63011 $ 10.00 4" Semi-Rigid Capped Tubes, pkg of 10
63021 $ 10.00 4" Mixed Tubes, pkg of 10, ( 8 soft, 2 capped )
63014 $ 10.00 6" Semi-Rigid Tubes, pkg of 10
63032 $ 10.00 Mixed size Tubes, pkg of 6 ( 2ea, 4" soft, 4" capped, 6" capped )
63039 $ 10.00 2" Soft Tubes, pkg of 6 ( for Blue hard oral adapter only )
Tom, Dorothy and the staff of Luminaud inc. Thank you.